Tuesday, July 24, 2007

We love you Harry. Oh yes we do.

Well, Trenna (oops, I mean Luna) was there -- July 21, 2007, 12:01 AM, at Barnes and Noble in Cool springs, TN -- to usher in the end of an era. It was a momentous occasion for her, honestly, as it was for the many other wizard wannabes who have grown up with Harry. (Truth be told, Trenna only stopped hoping for her Hogwarts letter a few years back ...) She, Jacob and I (along with Aunt Leslie) have all finished by now, and we've talked of little else for days. We've not heard the last of the Deathly Hallows, I don't think. But we'll leave it at that. No spoilers here.
Aaron Scherer who, in my humble opinion, really should have dressed up like Harry.

and Laura Miller, who did dress up like Hermione. (Here with "Professor McGonagall"wearing the sorting hat.)
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